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2020 Election Candidates

This 2020 General Election Candidate Guide was created with the Oklahoma Muslim community in mind, in order that you may have the tools and resources available to be an informed and confident voter in the November 3rd Election. This is not an exhaustive list of all candidates running, but it is comprehensive, and covers those running in districts with the highest Muslim constituencies.

We seek to encourage diversity and equity at our legislature; in both representation and in legislation. We hope you find this guide valuable as you exercise your right to vote and engage in the political process.

Additionally, you can always reach out to us directly at for guidance, support, and encouragement as we advocate together for our rights and issues that are important to all Oklahomans.

Disclaimer: All information in this guide was directly obtained from the website or social media account of the candidates. Feature of any candidate in this guide does not equal an endorsement.

Kelly Albright

Democrat HD 95

Margie Alfonso

Republican HD 79

Kojo Asamoa-Caesar

Democrat District 1

Cheryl Baber

Republican SD 35

Jacob Baccus

Democrat HD 81

A.J. Bailey

Libertarian HD 101

Rhonda Baker

Republican HD 60

Bryce Barfield

Democrat HD 26

Kelly Barlean

Republican HD 88

Steve Bashore

Republican HD 7

Merleyn Bell

Democrat HD 45

Forrest Bennett

Democrat HD 92

Micheal Bergstrom

Republican SD 1

Stephanie Bice

Republican District 5

Meloyde Blancett

Democrat HD 78

Jeff Boatman

Republican HD 67

Brad Boles

Republican HD 51

Chelsey Branham

Democrat HD 83

Mary Brannon

Democrat District 4

Denise Brewer

Democrat HD 71

Abby Broyles


Ty Burns

Republican HD 35

George Burns

Republican SD 5

Carol Bush

Republican HD 70

Larry Bush

Democrat HD 62

Chad Caldwell

Republican HD 40

Trey Caldwell

Republican HD 63

Richard Castaldo

Libertarian District 2

Yasminda Choate

Democrat HD 28

Mike Christian

Republican HD 93

Tom Cole

Republican District 4

Randy Coleman

Democrat SD 5

Sherrie Conley

Republican HD 20

Rusty Cornwell

Republican HD 6

Denise Crosswhite-Hader

Republican HD 41

Jose Cruz

Democrat HD 89

Bob Ed Culver

Republican HD 4

Nathan Dahm

Republican SD 33

Julie Daniels

Republican SD 29

Dean Davis

Republican HD 98

Eddy Dempsey

Republican HD 1

Shelia Dills

Republican HD 69

Mike Dobrinksi

Republican HD 59

Mickey Dollens

Democrat HD 93

Jerry Donathan

Democrat SD 7

Jo Anna Dossett

Democrat SD 35

Tom J Dugger

Republican SD 21

Rick Dunham

Democrat SD 21

Jon Echols

Republican HD 90

Joan Farr

Independent SD 5

Scott Fetgatter

Republican HD 16

Dyllon Fite

Democrat SD 3

Ross Ford

Republican HD 76

Avery Frix

Republican HD 13

Andy Fugate

Democrat HD 94

Tom Gann

Republican HD 8

Juan Garcia

Democrat HD 57

Jessica Garvin

Republican SD 43

Regina Goodwin

Democrat HD 73

Jim Grego

Republican HD 17

Warren Hamilton

Republican SD 7

David Hardin

Republican HD 86

Tommy Hardin

Republican HD 49

Toni Hasenbeck

Republican HD 65

Kevin Hern

Republican District 1

Kyle Hilbert

Republican HD 29

Brian Hill

Republican HD 47

Phillip Hillian

Republican HD 45

Kendra Horn

Democrat District 5

Wayne Hughes

Democrat HD 90

Justin Humphrey

Republican HD 19

John Hutton

Republican HD 89

Allison Ikley-Freeman

Democrat SD 37

Jim Inhofe


Ben Janloo

Republican HD 97

Shane Jett

Republican SD 17

Ronny Johns

Republican HD 25

Chris Kannady

Republican HD 91

Chris Kannady

Republican HD 91

Gerrid Kendrix

Republican HD 52

Dell Kerbs

Republican HD 26

Jennifer Kerstetter

Democrat HD 65

Chris Kidd

Republican SD 31

Cassie Kinet

Independent HD 43

Steve Kouplen

Democrat HD 24

Greg Laird

Democrat HD 66

Danyell Lanier

Democrat District 2

Mark Lawson

Republican HD 30

Mark Lepak

Republican HD 9

Dick Lowe

Republican HD 56

Jason Lowe

Democrat HD 97

Frank Lucas

Republican District 3

Ken Luttrell

Republican HD 37

Robert Manger

Republican HD 101

T.J. Marti

Republican HD 75

Ryan Martinez

Republican HD 39

Mike Masters

Republican HD 71

Kevin Matthews

Democrat SD 11

Stan May

Republican HD 80

Mark McBride

Republican HD 53

Charles McCall

Republican HD 22

Greg McCortney

Republican SD 13

Marcus McEntire

Republican HD 50

Aaron Means

Republican HD 34

Kyle Meraz

Democrat HD 64

Matt Meredith

Democrat HD 4

Zoey Midyett

Democrat District 3

Nicole Miller

Republican HD 82

Garry Mize

Republican HD 31

Anthony Moore

Republican HD 57

Markwayne Mullin

Republican HD 2 District 2

Cyndi Munson

Democrat HD 85

Casey Murdock

Republican SD 27

Robert Murphy

Libertarian SD 5

April Nesbit

Independent SD 5

Joe Newhouse

Republican SD 25

Carl Newton

Republican HD 58

Monroe Nichols

Democrat HD 72

Jadine Nollan

Republican HD 66

Terry O’Donnell

Republican HD 23

Jim Olsen

Republican HD 2

Mike Osburn

Republican HD 81

Daniel Pae

Republican HD 62

Craig Parham

Democrat HD 56

Rick Parris

Democrat HD 29

Kenton Patzkowsky

Republican HD 61

Lonnie Paxton

Republican SD 23

Roland Pederson

Republican SD 19

Dewayne Pemberton

Republican SD 9

John Pfeiffer

Republican HD 38

Logan Phillips

Republican HD 24

Ajay Pittman

Democrat HD 99

Melissa Provenzano

Democrat HD 79

Adam Pugh

Republican SD 41

Dave Rader

Republican SD 39

Randy Randleman

Republican HD 15

Trish Ranson

Democrat HD 34

Jack Reavis

Democrat SD 9

Terri Reimer

Democrat SD 43

Eric Roberts

Republican HD 83

Dustin Roberts

Republican HD 21

Sean Roberts

Republican HD 36

Lauren Rodebush

Republican HD 94

Cynthia Roe

Republican HD 42

Cody Rogers

Republican SD 37

Evelyn Rogers

Independent District 1

Jacob Rosecrants

Democrat HD 46

Paul Rosino

Republican SD 45

Michael Ross

Democrat HD 68

Paul Royse

Republican HD 78

Todd Russ

Republican HD 55

Greg Sadler

Libertarian SD 17

Nancy Sangirardi

Republican HD 46

Madeline Scott

Democrat HD 101

Alex Scott

Democrat SD 15

Lonnie Sims

Republican HD 68

David Smith

Republican HD 18

Chris Sneed

Republican HD 14

Rob Standridge

Republican SD 15

Marilyn Stark

Republican HD 100

Jay Steagall

Republican HD 43

Wendi Stearman

Republican HD 11

Blake Stephens

Republican SD 3

Danny Sterling

Republican HD 27

Preston Stinson

Republican HD 96

Andrea Stone

Democrat SD 47

Judd Strom

Republican HD 10

Mike Sullivan

Democrat HD 3

John Talley

Republican HD 33

Zack Taylor

Republican SD 28

Chuck Threadgill

Democrat HD 30

Emilie Tindle

Democrat HD 11

Tammy Townley

Republican HD 48

Greg Treat

Republican SD 47

Mauree Turner

Democrat HD 88

Mark Vancuren

Republican HD 74

Emily Virgin

Democrat HD 44

John Waldron

Democrat HD 77

Collin Walke

Democrat HD 87

Valerie Walker

Republican HD 87

Kevin Wallace

Republican HD 32

Summer Wesley

Democrat HD 100

Tammy West

Republican HD 84

Kevin West

Republican HD 54

Josh West

Republican HD 5

Bob White

Libertarian District 4

Jennifer Wilkinson

Democrat SD 45

Danny Williams

Republican HD 28

Max Wolfley

Republican HD 95

Rande Worthen

Republican HD 64

Shawna Wright

Democrat SD 39

Susan Young

Democrat HD 23