Candidate Details
OK House District: HD 3
Party Affiliation: Democrat
(918) 839-0239
My name is Mike Sullivan and I would like to take this opportunity to announce that I will be a candidate for state representative, District Three, this year.
I served as state representative in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
I was born in Poteau and lived in LeFlore County most of my life. I attended Simpson and Hower Grade School, as well as junior high in Poteau. I graduated from Heavener High School. I attended Poteau Community College, Central State College and received my law degree from the University of Tulsa. After graduating from the University of Tulsa Law School, I moved to Spiro where I started my law practice.
I was married to Kay McCoy Sullivan for 55 years and six days before her death in 2015. From our marriage, we had four children, three of which reside in Poteau, and the other is deceased. I have six grandsons and two granddaughters.
A few of my legislative accomplishments are:
Obtaining multiple funding for new roads including, but not limited to , the new highway from Poteau to Heavener, the new highway from Poteau to Wister and the new Highway 9 north to Arkoma.
Changing the name of Poteau Community College to Carl Albert Junior College (now Carl Albert State College).
Getting the college into the state system, so that student credits would transfer to any college or university.
Passed bill creating Talimena State Park as well as Clem Hamilton Heavener Runestone State Park.
Introduced and passed bill that saved the teacher retirement system in Oklahoma.
Introduced and passed bill that created a juvenile mental health facility in Oklahoma.
Introduced and passed bill that changed state colleges to universities.
Introduced and passed bill to allow 18-year-olds to vote.
While in the legislature, I was voted most outstanding legislator three straight years in a row.
I was elected first assistant majority leader, the fourth highest job in the house.
I have also served 14 years on the board of education, eight years as district attorney and two years as assistant county attorney. I also served a three-year term on the ethics and merit commission of Oklahoma and one year as chairman of the regional multi-state interstate highway committee.
Some of my community service included starting and coaching the Poteau Bandit football program, creating the Poteau Athletic Hall of Fame, and serving eight years as president of the Poteau Quarterback Club.
I find it appalling that so many of our young people have to leave this area when they finish their education to find a decent job. If elected, I will devote all my time to this job. I will work hard to improve conditions that will attract jobs to this area.
I am very conservative when it comes to fiscal policy. I try not to waste my money and I don’t want the government wasting yours and my tax dollars. I will watch this very closely.
I own nine guns and I am a strong advocate of your and my right to own and possess guns. I will vigorously defend any attempt to strip us of our right to bear arms.