Okie Muslims Vote
Okie Muslims Vote
Join the movement to empower Okie Muslims, have our voices heard, and make our impact through voting! We are dedicated to turning out the #OkieMuslimVote. On this page, you can find information on how to register to vote in Oklahoma, update your voter registration, have your organization partner with us, and joins our social media campaigns to encourage our community to turnout in 2024.
Take the Pledge
If you’re already registered to vote then take the next step and PLEDGE TO VOTE! People who pledge to vote are more likely to turn out than those who are contacted using standard get-out-the-vote materials. Your vote matters, and by pledging to vote you are adding your voice into the national conversation. By submitting the form below, you are showing the strength of the Okie Muslim voice. Your information will be kept completely private and confidential and not shared with anyone. You will receive email communications from CAIR Oklahoma reminding you of important information and dates in advance of the 2024 elections.
Okie Muslims That Have Taken the Pledge
Countdown Until 2024 Oklahoma Primary Election