Candidate Details
OK House District: HD 21
Party Affiliation: Republican
This candidate does not have a Democratic opponent and will therefore serve as the next Representative for this district.
Dustin Roberts, Republican member of the Oklahoma House of Representatives, is a native resident of Durant, OK.
Upon graduation, of Durant High School, Roberts enlisted in the United States Navy to serve the nation and fight the War on Terrorism. During his five-year career in the Armed Forces, Roberts was awarded two Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medals for his efforts in the War on Terrorism and Operation Iraqi Freedom. Among other awards, Roberts was awarded Blue Jacket of the Year and Junior Sailor of the Year for his leadership in VFA-143.
After five years of enlistment, Dustin was elected to office and has served District 21 for six years. He is currently the Chairman of the Military and Veterans Affairs Committee where he has avidly fought for better medical care; compensation re-structuring; and cost cutting initiatives for veterans and veteran’s centers. In April 2016, Dustin was awarded as the Legislator of the Year for his authorship of effective legislation that reformed the veteran’s centers in Oklahoma. The legislation improved the overall quality of care of veterans in the centers. He also authored numerous bills to help low-income veterans in the state of Oklahoma by reforming what pay is considered earned income. Dustin implemented cost savings for the Oklahoma Military Department by cutting government red tape in the purchasing of military vehicles, saving the Department and State approximately $100 million.
As Vice Chairman of Economic Development he passed the Home Bakers Act, an act that removed the red tape that hampered home businesses. Again, Dustin employed cost effective changes to the state employee health care system. State employees may now opt out of state health coverage to seek out the free market.
As a pro-education legislator, Dustin Roberts has fought against unfunded mandates, and is a driving force to give control of the classroom back to the teachers. Representative Roberts fought against costly testing of our state’s students that takes away valuable instructional time. He has a proven voting record of voting against consolidation of rural schools.
Dustin Roberts and his wife of 14 years, Lindsay (Valles) Roberts, love spending time in their district and state whether it be playing on the beautiful Lake Texoma; hunting and fishing together; or spending time with their many “fur babies”. Both are entrepreneurs in Durant and enjoy their volunteer work with the local 4-H and FFA chapters and local athletic organizations. Dustin and Lindsay can relate to the needs and concerns of the district they serve as they were born and raised in the area and directly serve the citizens of this district daily.