Candidate Details
OK House District: HD 34
Party Affiliation: Republican
Dr. Means married his wife, Shelia, in 2000 while both were serving in the US Air Force – Dr. Means serving as a Chief Dental Support Officer and Shelia as a certified nurse-midwife with the Air Force Nursing Corps.
They have raised five children in their blended family, who are grown, and most starting their own families, after graduating college.
After completing 27 years of decorated service in two uniformed service branches, the US Air Force and US Public Health Service, Aaron retired.
Aaron and Shelia are deeply involved in the Stillwater community and in civic organizations, with Dr. Means serving as the 2nd Vice President of the American Legion Hanner-Sharp Post129, serving as 2nd Vice President with The Stillwater Noon Lions Club, founder of Man to Man mentoring program, and Oklahoma Giving Forward to name a few.
Aaron and Shelia serve together as board members of Shiloh’s Place and as chaplains for the Stillwater Police Department and are active members of the New Covenant Fellowship.
Platform Issues
I believe in positive changes that will make a difference in our district. I have proposals that will keep Oklahoma school funds in the education coffers to fund classrooms, support staff, provide safety and security, and pay our teachers a living wage. (where they belong). Preventing educational funds from being shifted to other state agencies is a top priority for me. As District 34 representative I will work diligently to ensure funding for education stays in our state education system. I will work to maximize recognition for educators from K-12, Colleges and Technical Schools.
I will propose policies and support legislation that advance our economic growth by diversifying our economic base. I will work with other community leaders and stakeholders to exploit our positives to bring businesses and industries to our District. I will work with our city and county leaders and private partners to build a strong infrastructure that will entice businesses and companies to our District.
My Pro-Life stance is multifaceted. I will push legislation that protects ALL life from conception to natural death. I support parental rights as the foundation to help create stronger Oklahoma families. Stronger families create stronger communities and a stronger society. I will work to ensure public safety, justice for victims of crimes and those battling human trafficking. I will work to protect constitutional conservative values, support Oklahoma’s veterans, active military personnel and first responders and promote traditional family values.