Candidate Details
OK House District: HD 94
Party Affiliation: Republican
Lauren Rodebush is uniquely qualified to be our voice in the House. She and her husband Jonathan have been married 10 years and have two children: Andre, 4 and Madalynn, 1. They own Rodey’s Auto Repair and are active members of New Life Church of the Nazarene in Del City, where she serves as a Praise & Worship leader and spent a decade as a volunteer Youth Pastor and served 2 decades on the Church Board. As a Licensed Physical Therapist Assistant & member of the American Physical Therapists Association, she serves our community at a Del City skilled nursing facility and is a graduate of the University of Oklahoma. Lauren received Civic Honors from OCCC for her work with the Special Olympics and is passionate about making our community a better place to live, work, and raise a family.
Lauren experiences the failings and frustrations of our healthcare system daily and will fight to fix the issues. As a parent of children that will be attending school soon, we know our teachers and education will also be a top priority. Lauren will always work to eliminate wasteful spending and hold those accountable that squander our tax dollars. Lauren will also defend our Second Amendment and protect the life `of the unbron.
She is a Republican candidate for the Oklahoma House of Representatives District 94.