Candidate Details
OK House District: HD 26
Party Affiliation: Democrat
(405) 443-8880
Bryce Barfield is a long time resident of Shawnee, with deep roots to Oklahoma. His family, like many other Oklahomans, settled here to find prosperity, opportunity, and a safe place to raise children. Bryce is the proud father of three children, all attend Shawnee Public Schools. Like many Oklahoman families, Bryce is a patriarch of a blended family. Bryce Barfield is a small business owner, founder of a small non-profit, Vice President and/or Area Manager of multiple construction, property management and other related businesses. His work has specialized in building affordable homes, and in turn providing resources to those who aren’t as fortunate, as well as a lengthy career in industrial and commercial construction. Bryce believes in the power of community and leads a life true to his faith. Bryce Barfield isn’t running for office in the hopes of gaining a new title. Bryce has been working in private sector businesses for 42 years. Bryce is running so that Shawnee families can have a true advocate at our state capitol.
Bryce Barfield, your candidate for House District 26.
Platform Issues
Medicaid Expansion
Unlike my opponent, I support the passing of State Question 802 which will appear on the June 30, 2020 ballot. Here’s why I support this issue: 1. Medicaid expansion reduces the number of uninsured Oklahomans. 2. Medicaid expansion protects Oklahoma hospitals. 3. Medicaid expansion will spur the Oklahoma economy. I believe that no family should have to declare bankruptcy over medical bills. No child should go without care and our elderly shouldn’t have to decide between prescriptions and groceries. I support Oklahoma’s right to vote on this issue and shame those who work against the public by spreading misinformation about this election. Governor Stitt has proposed a Medicaid Expansion plan of his own, because he knows the people of Oklahoma want it. But his plan is not enough and leaves too many Oklahomans without protection. This plan is nothing more than a trick to convince you a vote of the people isn’t necessary. I Call BullStitt! This election date was set forth from his desk, there’s no coincidence here that his plan is “set to take place” just mere hours after he scheduled this vote.
Like many Oklahomans my age, I look back fondly on my time spent in school as a child. I believe that education, especially Pre K - 12, works best when teachers are allowed to teach. All three of my children attend Shawnee Public Schools. Our fantastic schools and amazing teachers are a big part of why I choose to raise a family here. Education should be a priority for those collecting paychecks funded by our tax dollars. My opponent made it very clear during the 2018 teacher walkouts, he was more interested in corporate interests. Let’s take the politics out of education and allow those who are the most passionate about education focus on their work. That starts with fair pay, good benefits, a healthy retirement plan, and more classroom funding. In addition to taking care of our teachers I believe we need to focus on the needs of the child. Our teachers are dealing with far more than their set curriculums. From food insecurities to needs for counseling, our schools are a lifeline many children depend on. When we cut funding to education, we are saying we don’t believe in our future.
Small Business
I have spent the majority of my adult life working as a self-employed independent contractor. I know just how hard it is to start and run a small business. I believe our government should be more concerned about keeping small businesses alive in this state. Instead, our Representatives are taking corporate sponsored vacations and eating lobbyist sponsored lunches. Simply put, giant corporations don’t need our charity. My opponent has accepted campaign contributions from BP Oil, ONE OK, Chesapeake Energy, and countless other SUPER-PACS. Those campaign contributions equal votes, meaning he is bought and paid for. Let’s give a hand-up to our local businesses for a change! I support tax breaks for small business owners and expanding unemployment benefits for independent contractors (as seen during the pandemic). As your Representative, I want to propose legislation that financially encourages small businesses to open their doors in rural Oklahoma. I promise you, as your Representative I will NOT be a rubber stamp. Not to any powerful corporation or to a political party. My votes will always reflect the people of Shawnee.