Candidate Details
OK House District: HD 79
Party Affiliation: Republican
Margie Alfonso is a lifelong republican. As a wife, mother, and now the republican candidate of Oklahoma House # 79 Margie has always been committed to serving her community. Margie’s tenacious conviction to serve those without a voice, like the unborn or deployed military personnel, is relentless.
Margie grew up in Grosse Pointe Michigan and graduated from Michigan State University with a degree in Bacteriology and Public Health. Margie moved to Tulsa in 1974 and since that time, has worked with many republican presidential and congressional candidates to bring about change and promote conservative values (see letters from Ronald Reagan – letter one, letter two, letter three, letter four). She is always interested in the health issues present in our modern world and how we can use technology to serve us, NOT enslave us.
Margie served as the coordinator for The National Conference on HIV/AIDS with the assistance of the Reagan White House, spearheading legislation for nationwide testing. She served as President of Tulsa Eagle Forum, a 1st Congressional District Committee Woman, a 2-time Oklahoma Republican Delegate to the national convention and has shown herself to be a leading advocate for literacy. Margie is a registered ASCAP member whose songs and poetry were aired on Armed Forces Radio and, and performed at venues including churches, Bob Hope Hollywood USO, Skelly Stadium, Orlando Convention Center, and numerous literacy events across the country, including the Library of Congress. She has also been recognized by the military for her music contributions. Her support of our armed forces through her artistic mediums of songs & poems is appreciated by so many of our families of men and women in uniform. Currently her song, “I Stand by My Country” is traveling with the “Through the Eyes” – Vietnam Museum, which received two awards, The George Washington Honor Medal From the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge, and the Green Beret Foundation Special Forces Unit Medal.
Platform Issues
Quality Choices for Education
Students and teachers should be in a safe environment and local school boards should have the responsibility to represent the people in their local communities for education standards. These should be transparent in their operations and be subject to scrutiny by the local communities they serve. Families should be allowed to use their education tax dollars for their choice of schooling. I oppose the imposition of federally mandated programs such as ” No Child Left Behind”, Race to the Top, Early Learning Guidelines, and Core Competencies. Curricula should include the basics; phonics-based reading, grammar, composition, mathematics, civics, world history, US constitution and bill of rights, US History, science, spelling, penmanship, geography, and free-market economics. We should encourage the teaching of art, music, foreign language, and sports/physical fitness.
State Budget
Policeman, Firemen and Teachers, are unsung heroes who do the most, and typically get paid the least for what they do. Their needs for operating successfully must be placed among our highest priorities as legislators, as what they do is not only necessary, but also indispensable for society at large. My platform addresses both their needs and wants, as it relates to those they serve, according to the budget allotted. I believe that I can provide Oklahoma House District 79 with the leadership needed to make this possible. The state budget is the foundation of our quality of life, in as much as it determines what infrastructure, benefits, and measured standards our society can afford. We need policymakers who will be of the highest moral character, informed & educated on the issues, in order to determine the appropriate spending to benefit the largest segment of the population. As Legislators, we must guard against corruption and ill-gotten gain, and although lobbying is inevitable in any political system, it should be strictly monitored, and safeguards & protections put in place to restrict its activities as much as possible.
Advocating for Children’s Health & Safety
Parents must maintain the right and responsibility to educate their children with strong moral guidelines, so they do not fall prey to sexual predators. Regarding sexuality and sexual conduct, sexual abstinence is the only safe way to avoid sexually transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS, and pregnancy. I support and encourage rigorous enforcement of all anti-pornography, obscenity and human trafficking laws, with an emphasis on prosecuting pedophiles.
Protecting The Pre-Born and Post-Born
I believe in the sanctity of life from conception through one’s natural life. I support a U.S. Constitutional Amendment protecting innocent human life of the unborn and the post- born. I support the teaching of abstinence outside of marriage and parental notification before a minor is given birth control information and/or contraceptives. This is not to keep children ignorant or vulnerable but to support parents in making sure that young people are in partnership with their parents about such issues. This is a family right not just a personal right. We must facilitate and promote abstinence as the first choice of birth control and adoption or support for young mothers whatever the choice. The bottom line is that we need to defund Planned Parenthood.
Health Care Consumer Advocate
I support the patient’s (family) doctor relationship and oppose nationalized medicine. I support full consumer access to safe foods, medications and alternative treatments including access to any and all information regarding such substances or treatments. I support moratoriums on controversial chemicals and agents that were approved prior to current research findings of toxicity. This calls for a re-evaluation of our infrastructure and safety standards like water purity and safety. All new technologies deployed should be brought under reasonable scientific scrutiny before deployed to the public.
Transparency in Government
All state agencies should be made accountable for the maintenance of their records and accurate enforcement of rules, policies, and regulations. Judges who act in violation of the United States or Oklahoma Constitution should be impeached and removed from office in a timely manner.