Candidate Details
OK House District: HD 93
Party Affiliation: Democrat
(405) 557-7371
Mickey Dollens was elected to the Oklahoma House of Representatives by the people of House District 93 in 2016.
He is the Executive Director of a nonprofit organization in Oklahoma City. Dollens earned a football scholarship to Southern Methodist University, competed on the U.S. bobsled team, worked as an oilfield roughneck, and taught at U.S. Grant High School in South OKC before being elected to serve at the State Capitol.
He is the House Minority Whip and has served on multiple committees including Education Appropriations, Health Services, Transportation and is the current Vice-Chair of Tourism. In 2019, he was honored by the Oklahoma Democratic Veterans with their prestigious Legislator of the Year Award.
Mickey and his wife, Taylor, live in south OKC with their son and daughter.