Steve Bashore

Disclaimer: All information about this candiate was directly obtained from their website and/or social media account. The feature of this candidate in our election guide does not equal an endorsement. CAIR Oklahoma is a registered 501c3 organization and non-partisan.

Candidate Details

OK House District: HD 7

Party Affiliation: Republican



MIAMI, Okla.,  — Steve Bashore, a conservative business leader, announced his candidacy for state representative, saying northeast Oklahoma has been left out for far too long.

“We need to make northeast Oklahoma great again,” Bashore said.

“These problems won’t be solved overnight, but we need strong leaders who can develop a plan and make a difference.

Bashore is general manager of Buffalo Run Casino & Resort, where he leads hundreds of employees and oversees numerous high-profile sporting events and concerts with an economic impact in the tens of millions.

He also leads employee efforts to give back to Ottawa County, resulting in hundreds of thousands of dollars of donations and countless hours of volunteer service.

Bashore said northeast Oklahoma shouldn’t be the last stop on the way out of Oklahoma.

“Northeast Oklahoma should be the first stop on the way in” for residents of neighboring states, he said.

Known for bridging divides and fixing problems, Bashore is widely credited with reviving a struggling Oklahoma Boxing Commission as its executive director. He also helped bring mixed-martial arts to Oklahoma on a professiona level.

Now a nationally recognized expert on sports management, Bashore holds both a master’s of business administration degree (MBA) and a master’s degree in education in sport administration.

Bashore said he is a steadfast supporter of President Trump, our military and the Second Amendment. He is 100 percent pro-life.

Platform Issues


“We also need to secure our borders to stop the influx of criminals into our communities,” Bashore said.


“That’s my goal, to convince our community that if we join hands, we can accomplish anything we set our minds to. We can turn northeast Oklahoma into the brightest intersection in the country. But this will require vision, optimism and an unapologetic, never-quit attitude.