Election Day is approaching! Do you know the state-level candidates on your ballot this November?
Today, we are looking at some of the statewide elections you can expect to see on your ballot. All the state House of Representatives are up for election – their terms are two years long. Half of the state Senate is also up for reelection – their terms are four years long, with half the Senate up for reelection every two years. This year, residents of odd-numbered districts will be voting. In 2026, even-numbered Senate districts will vote. Check out our guide here: https://www.cairoklahoma.com/okiemuslimvote/
Some key House districts:
- HD 25 (OKC): Kerri Keck vs. Republican Dell Kerbs.
- HD 34 (Stillwater): Incumbent Democrat Trish Ranson vs. Republican Andrew Muchmore.
- HD 45 (Norman): incumbent Democrat Annie Menz vs. Republican Matt Watson vs. Libertarian Robert Murphy.
- HD 46 (Norman): incumbent Democrat Jacob Rosecrants vs. Republican Alexander Torvi.
- HD 62 (Lawton): incumbent Republican Daniel Pae vs. Democrat Allison Offield.
- HD 87 (OKC): incumbent Ellyn Hefner vs. Republican Dave Schnittger
- HD 88(Central OKC): Ellen Pogemiller vs. Independent Bobby McCollum.
- HD 100 (OKC): incumbent Republican Marilyn Stark vs. Democrat Chaunte Gilmore.
Some key Senate districts:
- SD 21, Stillwater, Cushing, and Oilton; currently represented by Tom Duggar, who is not running again. Democrat Robin Fuxa is running against Republican Randy Grellner.
- SD 25 (Parts of South Tulsa, including Bixby); Democrat Karen Gaddis vs. Republican Brian Guthrie.
- SD 35 (Midtown Tulsa from the Arkansas River, from I-44 on the south to I-244 on the north); incumbent Democrat Jo Anna Dossett vs. Republican Dean Martin.
- SD 39 (Parts of South Tulsa from the Arkansas River to the Broken Arrow Expressway); Incumbent Dave Rader vs. Democrat Melissa Bryce.
- SD 47 (North Oklahoma City, including parts of Edmond); incumbent Greg Treat is termed out—Democrat Erin Brewer vs. Republican Kelly Hines.
The races listed here are only some of the races up for election in Oklahoma in November! We’ve included information for many other candidates in our guide, accessible here: https://www.cairoklahoma.com/okiemuslimvote/
For more information – including how to look up the voting record of incumbent representatives or senators – contact the CAIR Oklahoma Government Affairs Department at govaffairs@ok.cair.com