Candidate Details
OK House District: HD 46
Party Affiliation: Democrat
(405) 561-1306
Jacob Rosecrants is seeking re-election for House District 46. Rosecrants has worked since he was elected to make sure our schools are properly funded. Although he helped pass a historic pay raise for teachers in 2018, Jacob fully understands that it was only a first step to making sure there is a qualified teacher in every classroom. He will always loudly oppose any legislation which would harm our public schools, such as attempts to expand private school voucher programs. Rosecrants has also fought at the Capitol to provide more resources for our local police, firefighters, and ambulance services. He also proudly supported a raise for the members of our Oklahoma Highway Patrol. Jacob authored and passed the recently enacted HB 3286, known as the Homicide Prevention Act, which greatly strengthens our stalking statutes to better protect victims of stalking.
As a former teacher, he was concerned how bullying and ignorance of differences led some children to self-harm and to die by suicide. He works very hard within the Capitol and with school districts to make sure bullying isn’t allowed in any form in our schools. Regarding veterans, he believes we must do more to not only raise awareness to the issue of veteran suicide, but to also work on concrete policies which will help prevent veteran suicide. Rosecrants further believes we must invest more in mental health supports for all Oklahomans. Whether it’s loudly fighting against a recently announced Norman-area turnpike or fighting for local school boards to be able to make local decisions, he will always stand up for local control and will demand accountability and transparency from our state government. Additionally, Rosecrants worked successfully to enact a Cost of Living Adjustment for our state retirees in 2020, and he will support any legislation and policy ideas which will help working families, such as raises for teachers and state employees, more affordable housing, and a raise in the minimum wage.