Candidate Details
OK Senate District: SD 21
Party Affiliation: Democrat
(405) 659-9391
Robin Fuxa is running for Senate District 21. She wants to ensure that all families can access care without the financial hardship that can so easily strike with one medical emergency or major illness. She also wants to work on state policy measures that make these essential services such as prenatal and postpartum care accessible. Fuxa also prioritizes more funding for schools and ensuring that qualified teachers are hired. She wants to support our career tech system and invest in Oklahoma’s phenomenal community colleges and universities to keep tuition down for those pursuing opportunities that will secure a brighter future for their families. Fuxa also believes we must address the growing childcare and elder care crises, significantly worsened by the pandemic, for the countless Oklahomans who have had to drop out of the workforce because of a lack of access to either of these essential services, whether out of reach because of the high cost or the driving distance to reach quality care. Additionally, she is committed to ensuring access to the veterans’ services for U.S. veterans.