Melissa Bryce

Disclaimer: All information about this candiate was directly obtained from their website and/or social media account. The feature of this candidate in our election guide does not equal an endorsement. CAIR Oklahoma is a registered 501c3 organization and non-partisan.

Candidate Details

OK Senate District: SD 39

Party Affiliation: Democrat




(918) 230-7713



As a mother of three and former educator, Melissa knows we need to have open, honest, nonpartisan conversations about the challenges facing our public schools, and elect people committed to working together to improve them.

Melissa will work across the aisle to ensure that every child, regardless of zip code, has access to quality education and opportunities for success. She believes that the key to a brighter future for Oklahoma lies in the hands of our teachers and our children.

To prevent teachers from leaving our classrooms, Melissa believes need to explore innovative recruitment and retention strategies, such as on-site childcare and physical and emotional wellness programs. She wants to reduce class sizes which will help students receive more individualized attention and prevent teacher burnout. She also believes in paying teachers a living wage. To return focus to students and teachers rather than focus on the hyper-politicization of education in Oklahoma.