2021 CAIR Oklahoma Annual Report

2021 CAIR Oklahoma Annual Report

In 2006, Lobna Hewedi moved to Oklahoma from Los Angeles, where she had worked for the Los Angeles Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations. She enjoyed the experience, but even more so, she saw the benefit the organization brought to the Muslim community...
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Islamophobia in the Mainstream

Islamophobia in the Mainstream

What would you do with $105,865,763? That’s how much money was poured into 26 Islamophobia Network groups between 2017-2019 to spread misinformation and conspiracy theories about Muslims and Islam. Unfortunately, Islamophobia is still an acceptable form of bigotry in...
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2020 CAIR Oklahoma Annual Report

2020 CAIR Oklahoma Annual Report

What a year 2020 has been for us all! Prior to our state and country shutting down mid-March due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we were gearing up for 2020 to be a landmark year for the Okie Muslim community. Hot off the heels of one of our most successful Muslim Days at...
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