Candidate Details
OK House District: HD 66
Party Affiliation: Republican
Mike is running for Representative of District 66. In addition to his extensive involvement and leadership roles in Oklahoma local government, Sand Springs Mayor, Mike Burdge, has served as a volunteer high school cross-country running coach and as a board member for local Veterans International Outreach and Freedom Ministries organizations. In addition to the organizations listed in the brochure, Mayor Burdge also serves on the Tulsa Metropolitan Area Transportation Policy Committee. Mayor Burdge was described in his nomination materials as “passionate about improving the lives of those around him.” His leadership style, characterized as “always a calming, reasonable force in any meeting” is cited by those who have marveled at his public servant heart and willingness to give so much to whatever role he assumes. He was first elected to the Sand Springs City Council in 1996. He is now serving his tenth year as Mayor on the seven-member council.
Mayor Burdge pioneered a council member mentoring program in Sand Springs which is being studied by other municipal officials for possible application in their communities. The mayor was selected in 2004 as the municipal government Public Official of the Year by the Oklahoma Floodplain Managers Association. He is known for his legislative leadership roles on behalf of local government through both the Indian Nations Council of Governments (INCOG) and the Oklahoma Municipal League (OML). He was an organizer and long-term member of the Mayor’s Council of Oklahoma Tribal Municipal Dialogue Committee, and he has served since 2012 as a board member on the Tulsa County Criminal Justice Authority. A board member and past president of the Mayor’s Council of Oklahoma (MCO) Mike Burdge is credited as being one of a small group of mayors who helped turn the state-wide Council into a more progressive and forward-thinking organization. As Mayor, he serves as one of four board members of the Sand Springs and Sapulpa Joint Board that make recommendations to their respective Municipal Authorities regarding the joint ownership and operation of the Skiatook Raw Water Conveyance System from Lake Skiatook to River City Park in Sand Springs.