Candidate Details
OK House District: HD 87
Party Affiliation: Republican
OKC Roots Gloria was born in Oklahoma City. She and her husband, Mark, still live here today, near 43rd and Villa. Gloria’s father was a U.S. Army First Sergeant and her mother retired from the civil service, including time at Tinker. Local Businesswoman Gloria and Mark own the I-44 Riverside Speedway in southwest OKC. They also own Rivers Edge Roots, an organic produce farm that sells to farmers markets and restaurants, and a cow- calf operation producing organic beef. Gloria manages all three of these businesses. Mark’s family are longtime small business owners in our area. They operated Banister’s Garage, now Beck’s Garage, on Western for many years. Healthcare Background In addition to her work with the Red Cross, Gloria attended Nursing school at OCU and eventually graduated with a Bachelor’s of Science degree from SNU. Community Service Gloria is the Vice President of the United Methodist Women at St. Luke’s Church. She’s a longtime volunteer with Feed the Children, Meals on Wheels, local food banks and the suicide prevention hotline. She’s also a former PTO President and YMCA swim teacher.