Candidate Details
OK House District: HD 42
Party Affiliation: Republican
Cindy Roe is a nurse practitioner and local business owner. She previously co-owned the Valley Family Clinic in Pauls Valley with two physicians. Cindy knows what it takes to start a business and create good jobs in rural Oklahoma. Cindy lives in Lindsay with her husband, Vern, who works in the oil field and raises cattle. Cindy has nine grandkids and five children, one of whom was a combat Marine in Afghanistan. Cindy is a conservative, Christian Republican. She supports the Right to Life. She’s a concealed carry license holder who backs Second Amendment Rights. Cindy supports our local schools and wants to see more dollars reach the classroom, and not wasted on bureaucracy. Cindy has seen waste first hand in our healthcare system. She’ll use her inside knowledge to help save taxpayers money on programs like Medicaid. She also strongly believes that too many programs like welfare are creating a culture of dependency in America today. These programs should offer a temporary hand up to those who truly need it but not become a way of life.