Your perspective matters. Especially if it is different from the majority.
Your perspective as an Okie Muslim matters, it always has and always will.
Using your voice and saying what is important to you by casting a ballot puts on record that you, and people with your same values, care about an issue. Even if the candidate or the measure you vote for does not pass, it’s still important to make your voice heard.
November 3rd is more than a Presidential race. It’s also about city propositions, election of council members, state questions, and more. Depending on the district, city, and county you live in, your ballot will have issues specific to the communities you live in. These elections determine the quality of the schools your children go to, who your sheriff will be, to local city propositions determining the allocation of local funds.
It’s your money. Many elections determine how your tax dollars are spent. Measures regarding healthcare, criminal justice reform are recent issues Oklahomans have or will vote for. These measures all deal with how you want your tax money to be prioritized in our state.
Make sure that you commit to getting out your vote on November 3rd. Make sure that as a proud member of the Okie Muslim community, you don’t miss this opportunity to have your voice heard and build a better future for you, your family, and generations to come.
Need help know who and what will be on your ballot? Check out our election guides below for more info.
2020 Candidate Guide:
2020 State Question Guide:
2020 Judicial Retention Guide:
2020 OKC Proposition Guide:
2020 Tulsa. City Council Runoff Guide: