Muslim Day at the Capitol 2020

Oklahoma State Capitol Building 2300 North Lincoln Blvd., Oklahoma City, OK, United States

Our 6th Annual Muslim Day at the Capitol is on March 2nd, 2020! Join your fellow Oklahoman Muslims for a day of advocacy, meeting with legislators and much more! Click Here to Register Now - Participants will receive breakfast and lunch, as well as a 2020 Muslim Day at the Capitol t-shirt. CLICK HERE TO […]


8th Annual Muslim Day at the Capitol

Oklahoma State Capitol Building 2300 North Lincoln Blvd., Oklahoma City, OK, United States

Register Here: Join your fellow Okie Muslims at our 2022 Oklahoma Muslim Day at the Capitol for a day of advocacy, meeting with our legislators and more! Registrants will […]

Muslim Day @ OK County!

OK County Courthouse 320 Robert S Kerr Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK, United States

Join us for our FIRST Muslim Day at the Oklahoma County Courthouse! This event is specifically for high school students and up and is free to attend. Meet County Commissioner, […]
