CAIR Oklahoma is a proud support of the 2020 Census. For more information about the 2020 Census in Oklahoma, please visit
But why the census? What is the big deal? Why should people care, especially minorities that have felt marginalized for years in their own country?
The first reason is that participation in the 2020 Census is an extension of our civic engagement work over the years. To be civically engaged as a Muslim in Oklahoma means that you have to take any and every opportunity presented to you to participate and be recognized. We see it as our duty to participate as American citizens.
Secondly, the Census helps even the playing field in providing fair representation for each state. Census data is what ultimately determines representation in Congress, state legislatures, counties, school boards, and all electoral bodies that use geographically defined membership.
Third, the Census is safe and confidential. No citizenship question was added to the 2020 Census after being permanently blocked by federal judges. The answers we provide are shared with no one, not the FBI, IRS, ICE, or any other governmental agency.
Last, and perhaps most important, the Census data will determine how more than $675 billion in federal funds will be distributed to the states throughout the following decade. Given Oklahoma’s recent struggles with our budget deficit, loss of social services, and lack of education funding, every dollar counts. In fact, it is estimated that each person counted is worth $1,675 in federal funds per year or a staggering $16,750 over the next decade – not a number to be taken lightly.