OKLAHOMA CITY — Organizers in Oklahoma are working together to help hundreds of Afghan refugees get settled into the state.
The Oklahoma chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, in partnership with St. John’s Episcopal Church, announced the opening of the Afghan Refugee Resource Center.
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Since last September, CAIR Oklahoma has assisted refugee families. They have been providing them with items such as cultural clothing, hygiene products and household needs.
With the opening of the new Afghan Refugee Resource Center, families can now receive help in one centralized place at the St. John’s Episcopal Church in Oklahoma City.
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“We set this up so that we could bring all of the resources that we offer to our Afghan neighbors and have it all in one convenient location. Everything that’s in this facility is all donated by the community. In order to get that into the hands of our Afghan neighbors, we need to make sure we have it all in one place and they can see all of it at one time,” said Jen Hund, CAIR-OK Refugee Services Coordinator.
CAIR Oklahoma said they’re always accepting donations, such as kitchen items or hygiene products. They are in great need of size four diapers and wipes.