OKLAHOMA CITY — Hundreds of Afghan refugees will soon come to Oklahoma, and several organizations are preparing for their arrival.
Many refugees will come with little to nothing. So, CAIR, an organization that provides resources to the local Muslim community, is gathering items for a welcome kit with necessities and a hot meal.
“We have prayer rugs, prayer beads, a copy of the holy Quran,” CAIR Oklahoma Executive Director Adam Soltani said. “Making sure they feel welcomed and making sure they understand their faith and their culture are very safe in a place like Oklahoma.”
The kit will also include COVID-19 necessities.
CAIR also is collecting donations.
“We are also looking for hygiene items for people of all ages, both genders and also clothing,” Soltani said.
Soltani calls this the Oklahoma Standard.
“They’re leaving everything behind, including the home they know and coming to a place seeking safety and security,” Soltani said. “And who better to provide that to them than Oklahomans themselves?”