Midtown’s Oklahoma Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-OK) will join other local organizations to host a free “Community Disaster Response Training” educational workshop at the Oklahoma City National Memorial Museum. The event will be held at the Oklahoma City National Memorial Museum on Sept. 5th from 8:15 a.m. till 4 p.m. CAIR-OK will join with the NAACP, the Latino Community Development Agency and the Red Cross to mark National Service Week with Disaster Relief Response Training.
“As Oklahomans, we need to be prepared when our neighbors experience hardship through natural disasters,” said Razi Hashmi, CAIR-OK Executive Director. “We must be prepared by developing first responders in the multicultural and interfaith communities. Only then can we continue to build a better and safer community.”
The training is a project of President Barack Obama’s “United We Serve” campaign, CAIR’s “Muslim Care” initiative and “Muslim Americans Answer the Call.” Organizers explain “answering the Call” refers to at least three things: 1. Answering the President’s call to service, 2. Answering the call of those in need, and 3. Answering God’s call to serve Him by serving humanity.
CAIR is America’s largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.
Answering the Call Community Disaster Relief Response Training will be held at the OKC National Memorial Museum, 620 North Harvey Ave. For more information or to pre-register (registration is required), contact CAIR-OK at (405) 415-6851 or by email at info@ok.cair.com.