(OKLAHOMA CITY, OK, 4/27/13) — The Oklahoma chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-OK) today called on state and federal law enforcement authorities to investigate a second incident of vandalism targeting a mosque in that state to determine whether it is backlash from the recent Boston Marathon bombings.
CAIR-OK said the American Muslim Association building inOklahoma City was vandalized with obscenities early Saturday. The FBI says theincident is being investigated as a possible hate crime.
SEE: Oklahoma City Mosque Vandalized for 2nd Time
In 2012, vandals fired numerous paint balls at the doors of mosque. The attack, which the mosque’s director first thought was a volleyof bullets, was captured on surveillance video.
CAIR-OK: Paintball Attack on Local Mosque Caught on Tape (Video)
CAIR said there have been two violent incidents targeting American Muslims following the Boston bombings, including a mother of Middle Eastern heritage wearing an Islamic headscarf (hijab) who was assaulted in Malden, Mass., by a white male shouting anti-Muslim slurs, and a Bangladeshi man who was beaten hours after the Boston Marathon bombing by attackers who called him “a f**king Arab.”
SEE: Hate Crimes in MA, NY Follow Boston Bombings
“We call on the FBI to determine whether or not there was a bias motive for this vandalism and if it is linked to anti-Muslim backlash resulting from the Boston Marathon bombings,” said CAIR-OK Executive Director Adam Soltani.
He said CAIR-OK, the Interfaith Alliance of Oklahoma and the Oklahoma Conference of Churches recently sought prayers for those whose lives have been impacted by the bombings in Boston.
SEE: Okla. Interfaith Groups Call for Prayers for Boston Marathon Victims
CAIR-OK has recently voiced concerns over growingincidences of Anti-Muslim rhetoric at the state capitol and the formation of acounter-terrorism caucus targeted at demonizing the Oklahoma Muslim community.
SEE: Oklahoma Muslims Fret About Anti-Islamic Rhetoric
CAIR-OK also recently called on Muslims and all otherAmericans who value civil liberties to contact Governor Mary Fallin to ask thatshe not sign a bill, the sponsors of which admit was designed to attack thereligious principles of Islam. Gov. Fallin later signed that bill intolaw.
CAIR-OK: Oklahoma Governor Asked Not to Sign Anti-Muslim Bill
Soltani urged Muslim individuals and Islamic institutionsto review advice on security procedures contained in its “Muslim CommunitySafety Kit.”
CAIR: Muslim Community Safety Kit
CAIR is America’s largest Muslim civil liberties andadvocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam,encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, andbuild coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.
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CONTACT: CAIR-OK Executive Director Adam Soltani,405-248-5853, asoltani@cair.com;CAIR-OK Board Chair Saad Mohammed, 405-210-4775,smohammed@cair.com; CAIRNational Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper, 202-744-7726,E-Mail:ihooper@cair.com