Candidate Details
OK House District: HD 11
Party Affiliation: Republican
My last name is known by pilots everywhere. The Stearman Biplane was one of the unheralded heroes of World War II, serving as the primary trainer for United States military pilots. I understand the sacrifice our military veterans make – my father served as a Marine in Vietnam, and my husband Tom graduated from the Air Force Academy before serving as a pilot in the Air Force. I was born in Norman and raised in Broken Arrow and Piedmont. After the Air Force, Tom was able to settle anywhere for his job, so we chose the rolling hills of Washington County in 2007. I ran for House District 11 to be a voice at the State Capitol for the individual Oklahoman. Our district is pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, and pro-freedom. I will continue standing firm and uncompromising for our rights recognized and guaranteed by our Constitution.