Candidate Details
OK House District: HD 95
Party Affiliation: Democrat
(405) 740-1583
Tegan Malone is running for House District 95. As Representative, she will fight to ensure we are investing into the future of our state and focusing on keeping our students in Oklahoma. This means not just investing into our K-12 schools, but ensuring our public universities are among the first universities our students are considering for college. She also understands that Oklahoma has some of the most progressive cycling laws in the country, and believes that building on this success will enable Oklahoma to be a Top Ten State with regards to its transportation infrastructure. She also supports veterans and wants to make sure they have the healthcare, job assistance, and public education they need. Malone will also fight to invest more into our technology centers and vo-tech schools, making higher education accessible to our residents. She believes that creating more job opportunities in House District 95 starts with investing in our education system and equipping our workforce with the knowledge and tools to find or create good-paying jobs in our ever-growing competitive job market.
Survey Issues
1.What do you feel should be the government’s role in public health and welfare?
The government has a duty to assess situations using the most up to date scientific data available when looking at an issue the affects public health or welfare. For example, statistics on gun violence or a pandemic should be used to instruct policy – not hunches or ingrained beliefs. When a problem has been identified, the government should intercede on behalf of its citizens to create a situation to ensure everyone has the best shot at life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
2. What are your views on individuals being able to safely and securely access sensitive medical procedures in privacy and without state control?
Healthcare decisions should be made between the patient and their doctor. Full stop. There have been too man interlocutors in healthcare – from government to insurance companies – a person’s course of treatment should not be needlessly influenced by any other party.
3. What changes would you make to ensure every Oklahoman has the chance to participate meaningfully in the electoral process?
I would like to increase opportunities to register to vote, remove requirements for notarized absentee ballots, and provide same day registration. We must ensure everyone has the easiest access to vote.
4. Currently, only one political party in Oklahoma allows Independent voters to participate in primary elections. What will you do to ensure that all registered voters are able to fully express their political preferences?
I would be an advocate to open primaries for all parties given the policy is solid.
5. Many Oklahomans experience discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, and other factors; how would you address these problems as an elected leader?
If the discrimination rears its head at the capitol, I am not afraid to call it out on the spot. If it rears its head in the public square, I will call it out. I will not vote for any legislation that discriminates against anyone based on the aforementioned factors.
6.How will you ensure that First Amendment rights to freedom of religion, speech, protest, and press are protected from infringement?
When crafting or working on legislation, upholding our basic rights is paramount. We do not have the leeway to subvert the intent of the Constitution. I will not support legislation that denies anyone their First Amendment rights.
7. What issues do you see in our criminal legal system that could be reformed to be more equitable and efficient?
Our criminal legal system is too dependent upon fines and fees and creates a debtors prison. We must re-evaluate how we charge folks and our entire fines and fees system to ensure we are not holding people in jail because of an inability to pay and are holding them because it is a public safety concern.
8. What measures would you take to address food insecurity in Oklahoma?
Firstly, Oklahoma’s Leaders must put people over politics and accept the money from our federal government to address this issue. They have already offered it and it is just sitting there due to political reasons. Secondly, we have to do more to ensure our public schools have enough funds to feed kids throughout the entire year as part of wrap-around services. Thirdly, we must invest in economic programs that would create more earning opportunities in our communities and provide incentives for small businesses to open up in food deserts so folks can have more access to quality meals. I would be an advocate at the Capitol for all of these policies.
9. How would you protect people renting in Oklahoma from predatory landlords and expand affordable housing options in our state?
We know that Oklahoma has one of the highest rental rates in the country. We have to advocate for affordable housing options so our community members do not end up on the streets. Statistics show that most Oklahoma families are just one emergency away from eviction. Expanding the timeline folks have to pay rent, implementing policy to avoid surge housing prices, creating a rental Bill Rights, and providing more government assistance programs to help folks make rent will be critical to addressing this crisis. Further, we must address the core economic issue of inflation and advocate for raising our minimum wage so people can live.