Candidate Details
OK House District: HD 66
Party Affiliation: Republican
(918) 853-6371
Oklahoma teachers are getting a well-deserved raise; Governor Mary Fallin signed the legislation. Although we understand that taxes are the vehicle by which things are paid, an $800 million surplus to fund education was available, which increased through revenue growth to over $1 billion, without raising taxes. Administration costs are 10th highest in the nation, but teacher pay was rated near the lowest; and, students may not have books or chairs. Oklahoma has five times the necessary superintendents, each one well-paid, with staffing, offices, etc. The new tax will only fund teacher raises for one year, and much of the tax will fund retirement, higher education, and unrelated water projects. The national news has stated that consumers will pay $200 more this year since gasoline prices have risen, but Oklahomans will pay more, and raising the price of hauling all goods will be inflationary. I will gladly work with anyone who wants to set this right. Teachers and students are what make a school, and if we aren’t funding the classroom, we aren’t doing our job. After all, they are our future, and we want them to want to stay in Oklahoma.
In 2016, during the week of filing for candidacy, I was asked to run for State Representative in District 66, to warn the incumbent, who consistently raised taxes, and now voted for the biggest tax hike in Oklahoma history. Repeatedly voting against the Second Amendment, and refusing to fix any issues regarding education, while throwing tax money at an issue is an indication of a RINO (Republican In Name Only.) People are still angry because they thought that liquor by the drink, bingo, the Oklahoma Lottery and casino gambling were going to be the solution. Now, Oklahoma is 3rd in gambling.
I am Republican Chairwoman of my precinct; a lifetime member of the National Rifle Association; attend meetings of the Oklahoma Second Amendment Association; and, I have a concealed carry permit, in order to protect our rights to protect ourselves. I support tax reform, not unfair taxation. People need jobs; education needs funding; and, our constitutional rights need to be protected, but we have a Legislature that is sorely lacking in resolve and common sense. Let me fight for your family, and for our state. There is a big job that has to be done, and we know who the people are who need to be replaced. Please consider donating to my campaign, and help me win the Republican Primary on June 26.
As a perpetual student myself, I believe in education. I received a Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of Tulsa Business College in 2001 and was president of a student association. I have three Associate of Arts Degrees from Tulsa Community College in foreign languages and I am a Phi Theta Kappa Scholar. And, I completed the required coursework for Project Management Certification. I studied in Europe at Universität Siegen, in Siegen, Germany, and I taught a class in Germany. I studied in London, Brussels, Frankfurt and other European cities. I have substitute taught classes locally and volunteered as a teacher’s assistant.
I am a wife, mother and grandmother. I helped build a business, starting from nothing, because I felt that my responsibility was to support my husband. I helped raise two of our grandchildren, took in babies and families, who needed a place to go; or have paid rent, clothed and fed others. I was born and reared in Oklahoma as a fourth generation Sandite, and I am a Christian Conservative. I am a member of First Baptist Church; a member of The Daughters of the American Revolution; and my life’s mission is not completed.