2024 Oklahoma Legislative Session Bill Tracker


The CAIR Oklahoma Government Affairs Team have created this bill tracking spreadsheet so you can quickly and easily follow bills as they move through the complex process of becoming law. At the bottom of the page you will see links for each category in which we are tracking a number of bills: Budget, Civil Rights, Firearms, etc. These categories are based on our 2024 Policy Platforms, which you can find on the Government Affairs landing page. Click on these links to view the bills in each category.

Within each category, you will see a bracket for the bills we support, followed by a Neutral bracket and then an Oppose bracket. As we learn more about a bill – the intentions of its author, the potential impact it may have, any amendments that change its effect – we may change our position.

For each bill, you’ll see the author, the sponsor (if one has been listed), a brief description of the bill, and its status. The status column will tell you where the bill is in the legislative process. More information about where a bill is currently residing will be in the Current Location column.

This spreadsheet will be updated on at least a weekly basis as our Government Affairs team follows the many bills we track. If you have questions about any bills, our positions, or how to make your voice heard, please contact us at govaffairs@ok.cair.com .


*Special Thanks to the past and present staff of the ACLU of Oklahoma, in particular AC Facci, who created the tracker, and Cindy Nguyen, who modeled the updates and edits.