Spiritual Needs
Prayer at Public School
If you need help requesting a prayer accommodation at your child’s school, let us know! Email info@ok.cair.com.

In this video, Imam Imad Enchassi explains:
the importance of prayer in Islam
when to pray (children can pray within a time frame; they don’t have to pray at a specific time)
working with school staff to request accommodations for your child.
Qu’rans and Prayer Rugs
If you need a Qu’ran or a prayer rug, please email Natasha Saya (Community Outreach Director) at nsaya@cair.com.
Mosques in Oklahoma
Oklahoma City: Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City (ISGOC)
Address: 3815 N. St. Clair Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK 73112
Phone number: 405-946-2116
Website: www.isgoc.com/

Oklahoma City: American Muslim Association of Oklahoma (Grand Mosque)
Address: 3201 NW 48th Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73112
Phone number: 405-948-6188
Website: www.amaokc.com/

Oklahoma City: Masjid Mu’min
Address: 2224 N Kate Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK 73111
Phone number: 405-349-3950
Website: www.facebook.com/Mumin.OKC/

Oklahoma City: Crossroads Islamic Center of Oklahoma (CICO)
Address: 7044 S I-35 Service Road, Oklahoma City, OK 73149
Phone number: 405-807-6292
Website: crossroadsislamiccenteroklahoma.com/

Edmond: Islamic Society of Edmond
Address: 525 N University Drive, Edmond, OK 73034
Phone number: 405-807-6292
Website: edmondmasjid.org/

Norman: Islamic Society of Norman
Address: 420 East Lindsey Street, Norman, OK 73069
Phone number: 405-355-3233
Website: isnok.org/

Islamic Schools
Mercy School Institute (K-12 private school)
Address: 14001 N Harvey Ave, Edmond, OK 73013
Phone number: 405-748-5500
Website: mercyschool.com/

Oklahoma Islamic Academy (K-12 and pre-K program)
Address: 2028 E. Memorial Road, Edmond, OK 73013
Phone number: 405-255-9015
Website: oklahomaislamicacademy.org