About the Community Outreach Department
CAIR-Oklahoma is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) grassroots civil rights and advocacy group. Established in 2006 by a group of local Muslims, CAIR-Oklahoma serves the entire state of Oklahoma through its Oklahoma City office. We partner regularly with faith-based, community, and social justice organizations from around the state in working together towards the common goal of improving the quality of life for all Oklahomans.
Events Organized
Hours of Media Coverage
Graduates of Leadership Programs
Department Highlights

Oklahoma Muslims Tell Their Own Story With New Guide Book
CAIR-OK’s first “Guide to Islam and Muslims in Oklahoma” is a 32-page resource that includes a glossary of Muslim terms, Oklahoma Muslim demographics and information on Muslim social and civic involvement. The guide also include Islamic theology and how it relates to other faiths, plus commentary on “Islamophobia” and its effect on Oklahoma.

Oklahoma Muslims Share Message of Peace, Charity at End of Ramadan
That spirit of peace and greater understanding has gone hand-in-hand with Ramadan’s central theme of charity to those in need, said Imam Imad Enchassi, lead imam and president of Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City (ISGOC). “In Ramadan we focus quite a bit on spirituality and charity,” Enchassi said. “That is a global theme in Ramadan.”

Prayer Vigil Held for Victims of New Zealand Mosque Shooting
A call for healing at the Islamic Center of Greater Oklahoma City on Sunday. Faith leaders gathered for a prayer vigil to remember victims of an attack at mosques in New Zealand.